Where are you located?
Citrus Family Dentistry is located at 2300 E. Norvell Bryant Hwy. Hernando, Fl. 34442
My insurance says you are in-network..are you?
This is a difficult question to accurately answer as often times insurance companies will list us as a provider for all of the plans that they offer even though we only take a few. We will always verify your network status when confirming you for a new patient visit. Some insurances are easy to verify and others are very difficult. Please be patient with this process – you don’t like surprises and we don’t want to give you any.
Do you accept Medicare?
We do not see any Medicare plans with the exception of United Healthcare Medicare Advantage. As with all plans we will verify your United Healthcare Medicare network status.
Do you accept HMO plans?
We do not accept any HMO plans.
Do you accept Medicaid?
We do not accept any Medicaid plans.
Can I be seen without insurance?
Yes, we see patients without insurance.
Can I be seen as a walk-in patient?
We do not see walk in patients. All patients are required to have an appointment scheduled prior to their arrival.
What can I expect at my first visit?
At your first visit we will ask that you fill out all of the necessary new patient paperwork and we will perform an exam and x-rays.
Will I have a cleaning at my first appointment?
While we make every effort to accommodate our patients, oftentimes, due to scheduling we are unable to schedule a patient for an exam, x-rays and cleaning all at the same time.
Will I receive “same day treatment”?
Once again, while we make every effort to accommodate our patients, oftentimes, due to scheduling, scope of problem and time constraints we cannot promise you same day treatments.
What is the difference between a limited examination and comprehensive examination?
After speaking with you and verifying your insurance and network status/no insurance we schedule you for a new patient visit. At this visit we will take X-rays and perform either a limited examination or a comprehensive examination. A full series of X-rays will be taken and comprehensive examination performed with diagnosis for future hygiene appointments. You are now an established patient.
What is a comprehensive exam?
A comprehensive examination involves a full series of X-rays, a thorough and detailed examination which includes diagnosis and recommendation for hygiene appointments and creation of a specific treatment plan of the entire mouth. You are now considered an established patient in the practice.
What is a limited exam?
A limited examination will have a problem focused approach. X-rays will focus on a specific area in question and diagnosis and treatment plan will be limited to the area in question. In order to become an established patient a comprehensive examination and full series of x-rays will still need to be completed.
How often do I need a full series of x-rays?
Typically these are performed every 3 to 5 years depending on need.
Can I transfer records from another office/provider?
Yes, you are more than welcome to transfer records and x-rays from another office/provider.
How do I transfer my records from another office/provider?
To initiate a transfer please contact your previous office/provider and indicate you want to transfer your records. Different offices have different preferred methods of transfer, however, all will ask you to fill out a records release form. Promptly fill it out and the office should transfer your records in a timely manner. However, if your x-rays are older than a year acquiring them from a previous provider will be a moot point and as new x-rays will be taken anyways.
Can I just get a cleaning?
Unfortunately, many patients ask this question and the answer for new patients is always you must be an established patient to have a dental cleaning. We must have a detailed understanding of your oral health and needs and the only way this can be accomplished is with a comprehensive examination and a full series x-ray.
Do I have to have X-rays?
This is another unfortunate question patients commonly ask. X-rays are an essential part of any dental practice. Please understand modern digital x-rays produce minimal radiation, especially with a handheld x-ray unit.
Do you see children?
We see young patients 6 years of age and up on a patient-by-patient basis. If a patient has a hard time in our practice and cannot be treated due to fear or anxiety we refer the patient out to a pediatric dentist.